Thursday, April 10, 2008

Creating Our Lives

I have been reading quite a bit of motivational literature and have been impressed by the idea that our lives are a reflection of our thoughts. I realize that it is so true. Whenever we complain about things in our lives, we are ultimately disempowering ourselves. You can always blame outside circumstances. If we live our lives by outside circumstances, then we are not in control of our lives. We are like some one caught in a raging river with no way of escape. However, we can always choose how we react to circumstances, that is where the power is. The equation is thus, "Outside Event + Reaction = Outcome." We always have power over the outcome of situations.

I am realizing that if I want to make positive change in my life, I have to change my thoughts. I am taking full responsibility of my life and realizing I do have the power to do whatever I want to do with it.


The Haslam Family said...

I dont know if this is Tauren or not, but we have a blog too, and I hope you will be our friends.-Former Elder Haslam

Kipn n' Sarah said...

Good outlook on life!!! Seriosly that is the way to keep things in perspective.